Release - Dec 2024
This release reflects the following Specifications:
This release reflects the following Test Specifications:
FCG_TT20019 {2.0} HART EDD Test Specification
This release reflects the following Application Guide updates:
FCG AG10101{2.4} Using the HART Standard DD
The following CRs were resolved in this release:
HART Tokenizer
CR/Bug Number | Summary |
3302 | REDEFINE OPERATION Needs to be -k ERROR not syntax error |
3892 | COMMAND REPLY and REQUEST must match |
4032 | Tokenizers should produce a warning if a CHART or GRAPH does not have min/max values |
4052 | Tokenizer10 does not limit XXX_SMALL to VARIABLE |
4119 | Specifying a FILE.IDENTITY crashes tokenizer |
4305 | HART Sample package Tokenizer errors |
4350 | HART Tokenizer fails when called from inside a "long" folder path |
4392 | Remove Tokenizer Warning 603 concerning the use of CLASS DYNAMIC |
4393 | Remove warning 710 related to long strings for Tokenizer 10 |
4394 | TFP714_004 - Tokenizer must display ERROR when Command 33 is IMPORTed in DD (when HART 6 and 7). |
4396 | VARIABLEs burst_trigger_units_1 _2 and _3 are REDEFINE TYPE exceptions |
4397 | VARIABLE response_preambles HANDLING may be redefined when Command 59 is imported. |
4444 | Warning 676 and 688 needs to be automatically hidden when COMMAND set_device_variable_zero is imported |
4445 | VARIABLE references into Value ARRAY TYPES must be excluded from Message 692/693 |
4447 | VARIABLES referenced to " Device Variable" COLLECTION member SIMULATED must not display message 692 |
4466 | Incorrect error 858, 859, 860 when using the -u option |
4470 | Error 681 when tokenizing HART Standard DD library |
4487 | Graphics file libs need updating |
4495 | FATAL ERROR 800 on use of a nonimported variable |
4500 | Error 688 should be suppressed on standard DD items |
4513 | Autonomous False Failure (Combo of unique constants and VARIABLEs) |
4529 | Error 657 is shown too many times |
4534 | Tok10 Crash on invalid characters |
4535 | Tokenizer should output its destination path |
Device Model Services
CR/Bug Number | Summary |
4494 | DMS crashes while reading EDD menu entries |
4446 | [Offline] Mapping of Dynamic Variables is not read in Offline Menu |
UI Engine
CR/Bug Number | Summary |
4517 | Security updates: Note: The following components are updated to the versions mentioned below in this hotfix Microsoft.AspNetCore 2.2.0 Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc 2.2.0 Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles 2.2.0 Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebSockets 2.2.1 Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Embedded 2.2.0 System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions 4.5.4 CefSharp.Wpf 130.1.90 tough-cookie 5.0.0 (npm package) merge 2.1.1 (npm package) json-schema 0.4.0 (npm package) |
Known Issues
Known issues at the time of release are included below. If additional notable issues are found with this version of the product, they will be added to this log for reference with the date they were reported.
CR/Bug Number | Component | Summary | Reported Date (MM/DD/YY) |
3302 | HART Tokenizer | REDEFINE OPERATION Needs to be -k ERROR not syntax error (this was fixed for Tok10 but not Tok8) | 02/18/21 |
3892 | HART Tokenizer | COMMAND REPLY and REQUEST must match (partially fixed but additional discussion and possible changes still needed) | 07/20/22 |
4560 | HART Tokenizer | READ REQUEST/REPLY constants checking is too strict | 12/03/24 |