Do not Write Volumes to Build Your HART DD
HART specifications define commands including request and response data byte fields. HART Common Tables define the meaning for enumerated values used in the HART commands. Do not waste your valuable time recreating the HART standards in your Device Description (DD/EDD)!
Instead, use the extensive HART Standard DD to import the Universal, Common Practice, HART-IP and WirelessHART Commands. HART Standard DDs also imports the enumerations, labels and help text, including translations into 7 languages.

EDDL is a programming language, and the HART Standard DD provides consistent modelling of the mandatory and optional specified content of the HART specifications that you import into your EDD.

The HART Standard DD is required for EDDs and saves you time in your development. No need to re-invent HART! 
Developers should check out the application guide for utilizing the HART Standard DD written by the  HART Standard EDD Project Group to familiarize themselves with the various macros available to expedite HART DD development by reducing the lines of code needed and employing standardized code for universal and common practice commands. 

The syntax of a computer language is the set of rules that defines the combinations of symbols that are considered to be a correctly structured program.
Many computer languages have standard libraries:
  • C standard library for the C programming language
  • C++ Standard Library for the C++ programming language
  • Framework Class Library (FCL) for the .NET Framework
  • Java Class Library (JCL) for the Java programming language
  • Python standard library for the Python programming language
HART Device Descriptions are built with the Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL) and therefore a standard library is provided to assist developers complete their EDDs quickly and efficiently!

The HART Standard DDs, Samples, and Guide are included with the FDI Integrated Development Environment (FDI IDE).