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 Prepare, Plan, and Execute Product Testing - the PPE of T&R 


Working in the process industry involves inherent risks that are managed through various protective measures and equipment. It is essential to have well-defined procedures and instructions for handling hazardous tasks effectively.  


Similarly, the development and testing of automation instrumentation should adhere to a high standard of planning and preparation.

 FieldComm Group is a renowned organization in the field of conformance testing for process automation. Today, we would like to share information on Test and Registration Preparation, Planning, and Execution, outlining how to efficiently prepare, plan, and conduct a product pre-tests before you submit your products for registration to one of our laboratories.  




Prepare your documentation and project information: 

  • Manufacturer IDs are exclusively assigned by FieldComm Group to its members. To obtain your identification code, all you need to do is send us a support ticket and follow the guidelines. 
  • Device Type Codes (for HART) are also assigned exclusively by FieldComm Group. Developers need to request these as well for each new product line. 
  • Check the latest specifications - is your device conforming to them? Periodically there are new requirements for registration and you should check before getting too far along in your development if any of them will impact your plans. You can also subscribe to the Bits&Bytes newsletters to stay informed about our specification and tool releases. 




Plan your product testing and registration: 



Execute Pre-Testing of your product: 

  • Before submitting a product to our test labs, pre-testing is highly encouraged as this will save you time and money! If you run into errors within the results, they need to be investigated. FCG has knowledgebase articles dedicated to troubleshooting the tools! 
  • If your particular issue is not covered, please open a support ticket and attach any pertinent log files or screen captures to illustrate the issue.