Release - Dec 2024

Please find the current release here.

Release 1.7.0 - July 2024

This release reflects the following Specifications:

FCG TS62769 Revision 1.3

This release reflects the following Test Specifications:

FCG_TT20019 {2.0} HART EDD Test Specification 

This release reflects the following Application Guide updates:

FCG AG10101{2.2} Using the HART Standard DD

New features or components in this release:

PA-DIM Inspector (part of the Reference Runtime Environment)

This release contains the following versions of components. Not all licenses will include all of these components:

EDD Engine12.0.1.110
UI Engine1.7.0.4597
IDE Plugin1.8.10
IDE Debugger Plugin1.2.4.202105071955
HART Tok1010.48.0.767
HART Tok88.2.24.821
FF FDI Tokenizer6.1.1.534
FF legacy Tokenizer5.2.2.133
PROFIBUS Tokenizer4.4.27
HART Standard DDs20240514.1
Device Package Conformance Test Tool1.7.0.4259
HART-IP CommServer1.2.0.0
DeviceInfo Generator2.3.0
DeviceInfo Browser1.1.1.0
PA-DIM Server20240709.2
Package Signing Tool2.0.2.0
HART Sample package4.1.0.2
FF Sample package1.6.0
PROFIBUS Sample package2.1.0
PROFIBUS/PROFINET Simulator1.0.0.4025
HTML5 UIP Sample2.1.0

The following CRs were resolved in this release:

Device Model Services

CR/Bug NumberSummary
Upload method execution aborted
Excessive reads from a device will cause poor performance in hosts - all protocols
Dependent parameters show up as modified parameters after Apply
Need semantic map with culture strings for Multilanguage support for PA DIM AlarmInfoString
Fatal error _pendingCommunicationQueueProcessing is already true
HART 510 BUI10140-(008,009): WRITE_AS_ONE Displays both items instead of only 1
512 VAR19090-001: Initialized TimeSecondsScale value is off by a decimal place
Multiple write requests based on configured parameters related to same command from FDI host
Upload of all device variables has a lot of duplicated commands
OPCUA Namespace should not end with forward slash (/) for AliasNameType
Flickering edit icon is observed in Actual configuration tab of Simocode package v2.0.0 and has an empty value
HART 513 UIB12000-005: DELAY_TIME method must be updated in DMS
max value for cycle_time in uid wrong
RRTE Needs Enhancement:  Command 9 to send max number of Device Variable codes in Single Transaction
.net6 wrapper for DMS api
REGRESSION: Delayfor() and Delayfor2() builtins no longer wait for the allotted time
Failed to read device parameter for E & H Level Flex device revision 4 & DD revision 3
PA-DIM: Type of reference is extended with HasAlias, HasProperty and HasComponent possibility

IDE Plugin

CR/Bug NumberSummary
Wrong relationship type for documentation metadata
New method built-in get_status_string2() not recognized by Eclipse Plugin


CR/Bug NumberSummary
Several schema related errors creating UIPs
Allow full automated testing
HTML5 UIP tests shall disallow UIPs from having a host.js file
ListOfDocuments generated without documents    
 P_2_8_001 fails on FDI registration cert

EDD Engine

CR/Bug NumberSummary
PROFIBUS Reference ARRAY assignment fails
Methods - Parameter types- Array and Menus not working
parameter referenced in refresh relation not read in Version 1.6
EDD Engine crashes due to builtin variable type time_t treated as long instead of long long type
Add new builtin get_status_string2
EDDItemsXML contains duplicate attributes
RRTE request data 3 times before drawing a graph
Cannot import Profinet FDI package into RRTE
HART 513 UIB12000-005: DELAY_TIME method must be updated in EDD Engine

FF Tokenizer

CR/Bug NumberSummary
New method built-in get_status_string2() needs to be added to both FF Tokenizers

HART Standard Library

CR/Bug NumberSummary
Need to update FCG AG10101 to update macros2.h
AG10101 inconsistent loopCurrent name
Minor standard dictionary fix
METHOD transmitter_loop_test needs new std CLASS LOCAL variable w/ HANDLING READ&WRITE
CLASS DIAGNOSTIC must be removed from all the event notification mask variables
Import of HART Commands read_condensed_status_map (523) and write_condensed_status_map (524) not correct
Some required items in standard dictionary are not in embedded_strings.h
METHOD Set_Real_Time_Clock needs to be update to use CLASS LOCAL Variables
AG10101 to include verbiage discussing addition of variable code 250 for mapping
Standard Tables - C8PSK enum was supposed to be reserved from tables 25 Standard Status 1
Multi AO-Command import - Resolution of #3966 has remaining issue
HART Standard Library is missing discrete application commands
Update to wireless DDs (to add INFO qualifier) was missed in the 1.6 release
set_real_time_clock method does not allow editing time
AG10101 READ_ONLY handling for date and time wrong in document
Dictionary String and Embedded_strings.h has typo

HART Tokenizer

CR/Bug NumberSummary
(Regression) Meaning of new HART tokenizer ERROR 853 is unclear
Support COMMAND REDEFINE and DELETE in Version 10
Revert Functionality not usable (use of LOCAL_B)
Support COMMAND REDEFINE and DELETE in Version 8.x
Lexical Analyzer error from DMS when we subscribe for ProductInstanceUri in PADIM server
Specifying a FILE.IDENTITY crashes tokenizer
Root MENU checks are incorrect
WARNING 851: Variable xxx, Index 1 has MIN_VALUE 60.000000 > MAX_VALUE 20.000000
False ERROR 425 when importing response codes
HART tokenizer warning 851 seems wrong for integer max value
Standard IMPORTed VARIABLEs must not generate HANDLING Message 692 nor 693
HART Sample package Tokenizer errors
PARAMxxx symbols shown in symbol file
VARIABLE TYPE INDEX used correctly in Command must not cause Warning 692
An ERROR must occur when VARIABLE (NOT TYPE INDEX) uses INDEX qualifier
GetCurrentDateAndTime builtin method not supported in Tok10
FDI Package created with RRTE 1.7 is not working in Siemens PDM
Version 10 Tokenizer Common Table ERRORs not Generated
VARIABLE with no TYPE causes Tok10 crash
Missing LABEL on MENU is not causing syntax ERROR
VARIABLE response_preambles HANDLING may be redefined when Command 59 is imported
Tokenizer reports manufacturer specific menus as root menus
VARIABLEs with No Read/Write Commands but referenced on OPERATION COMMAND need different Warning Messages
MENU offline_root_menu is not detected with Tokenizer ver 10.48
Version 10 Tokenizer not detecting missing METHOD return_to_normal

IDE Plugin

CR/Bug NumberSummary
Wrong relationship type for documentation metadata
New method built-in get_status_string2() not recognized by Eclipse Plugin

PA-DIM Server

CR/Bug NumberSummary
PADIM server does not create ControlSignal-ControlVariableType base class members or twice
DeviceHealthAlarms are not created
Method to calculate EU range
Upgrade PA-DIM Server to OPC UA SDK v3.3.0 to get HasAlias reference type support
IRDIs missing
Calling FactoryReset method does not work because there are no input arguments
AccessLevel is not updated and cannot be subscribed
Semantic maps for Pressure variable's WithAlias and WithComponent is not mapped with any signal nodes
Values of type LocalizedText have the numeric value instead of the enumeration text
Instable communication with Profibus package
ValueAsText and ValueAsDictionaryEntries do not work for Enumerated Values
PADIM server to support the reference types define in EDD
PA-DIM server gives empty values with no data type for several parameters 
Multilanguage support for PA DIM AlarmInfoString


CR/Bug NumberSummary
Crash without error message - impossible to find root cause in EDD source (invalid data items in COMMAND REQUEST and REPLY)
Tokenizer should return a failure if a METHOD defines a local variable that is same name as a passed variable

Reference Run Time Environment (RRTE)

CR/Bug NumberSummary
Add DeviceInfo to RRTE
FDI.ReferenceHost.config is existing twice
RRTE should use the official released FDI.dll and FdiStandard.dll
Unknown Package Parts detected in device package
Simulator not finding the corresponding fma file
Refreshs do not work correctly in RRTE
RRTE cannot import FDI Package with no certificate and hangs
RRTE must not allow communication between mismatched Device Type in Package vs DD
Invalid HART Device Revision Mismatch in RRTE prevents loading of a valid FM8 HART EDD
No online values for registered EDD
Implement Profibus/Profinet Device Type Identification
REGRESSION: HART Ident Check NOW does not work in FMA for Device Revisions 10 and higher
HART Ident Check does not work for Device Revisions 10 and higher
PI Simulator Scan Result window and columns not resizable
Invalid HART Device Revision Mismatch in RRTE prevents loading of a valid FM8 EDD

UI Engine

CR/Bug NumberSummary
HTML5 UIPs are not working anymore with FDI_Package_IDE_1.7.0_Build662
HART 511 CHT27110-(001,003): Chart axis label in RRTE does not match what is in the Test Spec
ENUMS and BITENUMS that conditionally become out of range should be marked with out of range indicator in RRTE
HART 511 CHT33010-(003,005): Graph behaving inconsistently and in a manner that goes against the spec
GAUGE chart color bands run together - do not follow EDDL Part 4
HART 510 BUI10140-(008,009): WRITE_AS_ONE Displays both items instead of only 1
HART511 GPH21040-002 expectation are not correct
Display menu has empty menu entries for draeger polytron 8000 device type
513 UIB20420-007: (Regression) Invalid values are not reset to previous good value
REGRESSION: False Visibility Group on a PAGE shall not be shown, and space shall not be reserved
512 VAR19090-001: Initialized TimeSecondsScale value is off by a decimal place - correct value is only displayed after clicking
REGRESSION: HART 512 - HQAVAR19000 through 19080 display wrong initial values for 9 Time Variables
 FF HTK TC_GR_013 - REFRESH ACTIONS of a GRAPH's Waveform Run Each Cycle Time
HART 513 UIB12000-005: DELAY_TIME method does not behave according to spec in RRTE

Release - Jan 2024

This release reflects the following Specifications:

FCG TS62769 Revision 1.3

This release reflects the following Test Specifications:

FCG_TT20019 {1.0.0} HART EDD Test Specification

This release includes the following enhancements:

  • WRITE_AS_ONE bug correction 
  • IDE Updated to properly handle feature-table.xml creation as a mandatory package element

This release contains the following versions of components. Not all licenses will include all of these components:

EDD Engine11.0.2.106
UI Engine1.6.0.3822
IDE Plugin1.8.8
IDE Debugger Plugin1.2.4.202105071955
HART Tok1010.47.0.704
HART Tok88.2.23.805
FF FDI Tokenizer6.1.1.533
FF legacy Tokenizer5.2.2.130
PROFIBUS Tokenizer4.4.26
HART Standard DDs2023.2
Device Package Conformance Test Tool1.6.0.4177
HART-IP CommServer1.2.0.0
DeviceInfo Generator2.3.0
DeviceInfo Browser1.1.1.0
PA-DIM Server1.1.0.23167
Package Signing Tool2.0.2.0
HART Sample package4.1.0
FF Sample package1.6.0
PROFIBUS Sample package2.1.0
PROFIBUS/PROFINET Simulator1.0.0.4025
HTML5 UIP Sample2.0.0

The following CRs were resolved in this release:

Device Model Services

CR/Bug NumberSummary


Revert WRITE_AS_ONE changes from 1.6.0 release. Bug caused menu items to be hidden in RRTE if WRITE_AS_ONE attribute was assigned to the item.  The behavior was changed to the 15.1.1 behavior.  

IDE Plugin

CR/Bug NumberSummary
4316Referencing of feature table in FDI Device Package
4320Feature Table is a required element

Known Issues

Known issues at the time of release are included below. If additional notable issues are found with this version of the product, they will be added to this log for reference with the date they were reported.

CR/Bug NumberComponentSummaryReported Date
4281DMSExcessive reads from a device will cause poor performance in hosts - all protocols. Goal is to improve performance of DMS for highly parameterized devices.

Resolved in Release 1.7.0

Release 1.6.0 - Oct 2023

This release reflects the following Specifications:

FCG TS62769 Revision 1.3

This release reflects the following Test Specifications:

FCG_TT20019 {1.0.0} HART EDD Test Specification

This release includes the following enhancements:

  • PA-DIM server enhancements
  • DPCTT enhancements
  • PROFINET/PROFIBUS device simulator
  • OPC UA communication server security certificate management
  • Bug fixes focused on CHC conformance for Host Tests
  • PROFIxxx device conformance testing supported

This release contains the following versions of components. Not all licenses will include all of these components:

EDD Engine11.0.2.106
UI Engine1.6.0.3822
IDE Plugin1.8.6.20231012012
IDE Debugger Plugin1.2.4.202105071955
HART Tok1010.47.0.704
HART Tok88.2.23.805
FF FDI Tokenizer6.1.1.533
FF legacy Tokenizer5.2.2.130
PROFIBUS Tokenizer4.4.26
HART Standard DDs2023.2
Device Package Conformance Test Tool1.6.0.4177
HART-IP CommServer1.2.0.0
DeviceInfo Generator2.3.0
DeviceInfo Browser1.1.1.0
PA-DIM Server1.1.0.23167
Package Signing Tool2.0.2.0
HART Sample package4.1.0
FF Sample package1.6.0
PROFIBUS Sample package2.1.0
PROFIBUS/PROFINET Simulator1.0.0.4025
HTML5 UIP Sample2.0.0

The following CRs were resolved in this release:

Communication Servers

CR/Bug NumberSummary

EtherNet/IP Comm Server Descriptions have wrong datatype


OPC UA CommServer cannot load device package for simulated device


EtherNet/IP Comm Server version update

Device Model Services

CR/Bug NumberSummary


HART 513: HQAENV20000: Bit-enumerated actions aren't supported


Legacy root menus for handhelds


Feature5: FDI IDE shall support FF DDs execution of user methods


HART: Refresh is not working for Static parameters.


Failing Post Read/Write Actions REQUIRE Host to mark the variable as not being read/written (TC_ACT_010, TC_ACT_017)


HART 513: HQAENV15010- Error message is shown when tried to send modified "Pre-write Action Value" to XMTR


PROFIBUS standard variable std_ResponseCode not getting updated


HART 512 - HQACOL13000-027 Incorrect menu item label and help description


HART 512 - HQAVAR14080-036 Menu item help is not blank


RRTE (DMS) does not copy complete dataset after upload as specified


Local Variables do not update continuously in online window in RRTE


OCTETSTRING datatype for FF not using default display format per EDDL spec -3


PROFINET: LOCAL VARIABLE has edited state in online UI after open it


FF HTK TC_FILE_005: Stored Persistent Data (FILE) causes Listinsert() failure


FDI Reference Host Server crash during parameterization of ISA100 Device Package


OCTETSTRING datatype for FF must support DISPLAY_FORMAT / EDIT_FORMAT of "U"


Default Default (EDDL Initial Values) are not properly supported in Offline for FF


Migrate DMS to Visual Studio 2022


Update managed .Net to .NetFramework 4.8


HART 513 UIB23280-006: get_local_var_value DD_STRING method never completes


HART 513 CMB33000-003: Abort message does display with all Commands after Command 1


FF HTK TC_METH_001 - ListInsert() and ListDeleteElementAt() builtins no longer working for FF in release 1.5.1


infinite loop StartCancel method


RRTE shows password in clear text after download is finished


Unexpected Read request prior to Write request


Incorrect Modbus Response code - Slave Device Failure (Error code-4)


Possible values for parameters of type enumerated are not handled correctly.


ReadService should return UID document in case of communication response warning code


Provide DMS .net component for 4.6.2


Handheld menu - hh_maintenance_root_menu


DIALOG/WINDOW in PAGE does not work


Profinet response codes are not handled correctly


Exception during browsing semantic maps: Unsupported item type ITYPE_SEMANTIC_MAP


Question Marks for variables on menu


Block parameters menu and Legacy Root menu no longer finish opening


DMS-generated "Legacy Root Menu" functionality is broken - Legacy FF Host Tests will fail with DD4 and DD5


GRAPH Rendering Speed Degraded - Poor User Experience (Regression) - FF GRAPH Host Tests Failing in 1.6.0 sprint build 601


512 COL12010: Regression in menu items label and help text


CR/Bug NumberSummary


Update UIE version used by DPCTT


Wrong FDI Version in Test Report Information


P_3_2_041 should show as warning instead of error


Semantic map to CDD creates error message


DPCTT tests failed if hex value is provided for NUM_OF_PARAMS in CFF file


Testcampaign stops with UIP test


Crash in CF parser


CTT in release 1.6.0 needs version updates


Strange version information in DPCTT test report


CTT Test case P_3_2_033 Falsely Fails MENU INIT_ACTIONS in HART FDI Package


UIP test cases that previously passed are now failing in 1.6.0 sprint build 592


UIP Plattform "Workstation and Mobil" causes DPCTT Error


DPCTT crashes when trying to open UIP


reason for test case P_2_11_008 fails unclear


DPCTT hangs with HTML5 UIP Conformance tests

EDD Engine

CR/Bug NumberSummary

Value Array in Conditional always evaluates to False


Issue with switch statement in RRTE


Command as a parameter to a method not working


nsEDDEngine::EXPR::ConvertTo() needs to be updated to convert to/from strings


EDIT_FORMAT should default to DISPLAY_FORMAT, if not specified


FF DD6, DD5: Condition with TYPE BOOLEAN is not working


Need to ensure EDD Engine is handling new rules regarding TAG_DESC


EDD Engine Method Interpreter should report method definition parsing errors better.


EddEngine - EXPR_TYPE_UNSIGNED to EXPR_TYPE_BINARY is missing implementation


Infinite Loop when dumping PROFINET DD


Backward compatibility issue with IDE 1.4.x FF packages


Complex references in a GRID causes an ASSERT


GetCommandList() doesn't find my PB/PN command when I give it a ValueArray[index] reference


Response Code Attribute as a Reference needs to be implemented for FDI Binary File format


Buildin get_rspcode_string_by_id() is not working in Profinet DD


Migrate EDD Engine to Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 4.8


Variable with Boolean-datatype as a condition for IF statement fails in MENU-ITEMS

IDE Plugin

CR/Bug NumberSummary


FDI package generator should accept relative package directories


Changing the Encoded DD path breaks the fdi.Tokenizer.xml file


IDE Plugin i 1.5.1 build 551 has outdated schema files


Content type of feature catalog does not match specification


Package Generator warning : invalid content


UIP version entry too short


Wrong file name for feature table


CR/Bug NumberSummary


Downloaded FDI Package is renamed when saved by the RRTE Repository Tool


Helptext is not disappearing even the button is clicked and tabs are opened.


Unable to read OPCUA Device Simulator values


Repository App Fails to find HART or FF EDDs if a Device Name exists in the Manufacturer.XML file


Close icon not proper in Device View (Tabs) Window


Copyright info not displaying correctly.


XMTR-DD Needs Similar Timing Updates as HART Modem Driver For Simulation Support


RRTE displays the symbol name of a TEMPLATE instead of the LABEL of the template.


Profinet device identification question


Update to .NetFramework 4.8


Upgradation of Unified Automation SDK for OPC UA client in RRTE


FDI RRTE does not support Profinet PA Profile devices with multiple device instances


Device Revision is not showing when device type id  and Manufacturer is filtered


Integrate Latest FDI DLL and Fdi.ts  are updated for IDE 1.6 (FDI spec v1.3)


"About" field in RRTE 1.6.0 build 567 still shows copyright 2022


RRTE gives Signature Status Error on all imported packages in 1.6.0 build 567


PROFINET: No GSD selection during parameter upload into offline data set


PROFINET: No different GSD selection during online access to device in the same session

Signing Tool

CR/Bug NumberSummary


RRTE shows Invalid Signature, upon importing a Signed package which is been registered


SecureBlackBox library will need updating


Signing failure with no explanatory message


the signing of the certificate part relationship is broken


License for SecureBlackbox 2022 missing

Tokenizer - Foundation Fieldbus (FF)

CR/Bug NumberSummary


IMAGE PATH attribute's SELECT clause does not allow cross-block reference


Warning 779 should include more than just "offline_root_menu".


IMPORT of METHOD fails in some cases


IMPORT of WAVEFORM sometimes crashes


FF Tokenizer doesn't support LOCAL_B




Certain keywords cause crash


EDIT_DISPLAYs are now illegal in FF


Tokenizer should check to make sure no conditionals in the semantic map


FF Tokenizer needs to flag use of not supported Builtins


TIME_FORMAT definitions cannot be used with LIKE variable definitions


Tokenizers should check for disallowed TIME_FORMAT for type DURATION


EDIT_FORMAT and DISPLAY_FORMAT are no longer applicable to BITSTRING.


REDEFINE CLASS should be allowed in LIKE variables

Tokenizer - HART

CR/Bug NumberSummary


HART tokenizer is not encoding Item Information for semantic-map item.


New "-p" option for specifying a different folder for images does not work


TOK8 - DELETE of a command transaction on import causes tokenizer to crash




Crash on integer size zero


ADD must be updated to latest spec


built-in 'frand' has been changed  'drand' in the latest spec.


HART Tokenizer does not appear to support a 2-pass preprocessor evaluation


61804-4 change to root menus VALIDITY


HART tokenizer warnings 426 and 602 will be encountered almost all the time


HART Tokenizer enhancement to error 677 for command 102




Handling UTF8 string in builtins


Tokenizer should check to make sure semantic map references to a fully resolved DD item at tokenization time.


DD causes Tokenizer 8.2.20 Crash




ERROR must be generated when METHOD with TYPE defined is referenced other than a METHOD


WARNING 400 Must be changed to ERROR 400


New Library: Condensed Status import leads to TOK "ERROR 425"




HART Tokenizer does not support the PRIVATE attribute anymore


REDEFINE TYPE causes crash in Tok8


Tok8 crash on multiple REDEFINEs of attributes.


Cannot tokenize PA-DIM sample with current version of FDI IDE 1.6.0 Build 567


Bogus network access needs to be removed


ASCII(0) causes crash


Add output of specific suppressed errors


Tokenizer of FDI IDE Build 622 throws ERROR 691


Add build number to banner

Tokenizer - Profibus/ProfiNet 

CR/Bug NumberSummary


Limitations for Tokenizer should be known


PROFINET Tokenizer doesn't allow datatype OCTET together with DISPLAY_FORMAT 'U'


PB tokenizer is not encoding RESOLVED_REF correctly


Tokenizer crash - possible cause SEMANTIC_MAP

UI Engine

CR/Bug NumberSummary


HART 512 - HQAVAR16010-008 Out of Range indicator is not consistent


HTML5 UIP window should be resizable


Special Characters in strings are not properly handled between DMS and RRTE


Constant string HELP text is shown twice for single menu item


511: HQAGPH11040 - RRTE fails to display XY Value's Point on the GRAPH


Arrays are not displayed in RRTE for offline_root_menu


Access Level doesn't allow reading or Subscribing to the node message displaying for few parameters


PUT_MESSAGE builtin should not allow Method Abort


Visibility False leads to gaps in MENU and TABLE


Gauge Charts are no longer rendered in IDE 1.5.1 build 508




Host conformance: Bit Enumerated must be displayed as Group Box (Optimized Layout Test)


TIME_FORMAT strings are not supported by the RRTE for FF DATE/TIME Datatypes


RRTE displays hexadecimal numbers with spaces


FDI OPT10290-005 Size of Menu Item Input Fields does not increase with changing Validity


HART 512 VAR19090-005: TimeSecondsScale being rounded up by RRTE


HART 512 VAR19100-005: TimeMinutesScale being rounded up by RRTE


HART 512 VAR19110-005: TimeHoursScale being rounded up by RRTE


HART 511 MLT16030-004: 3 column chart displayed larger than expected


HART 511 MLT19010-002: Menu Items not vertically aligned as specified


HART 511 MLT20010-011: Menu items are not vertically aligned as specified


HART 511 GRD15000-001: Vertical No Heading still has empty heading cells


IMAGEs in the third column are not displayed correctly


Fdi.Ui. has reference to package (Newtonsoft.Json) with vulnerability


Failing Post Read Actions REQUIRE Host to mark the variable as not being read (TC_ACT_010)


Migrate UI Engine to Visual Studio 2022 and .NET 4.8


Migrate UIEngine to .net 4.6.2


Integrate fdi.ts 1.3 to UIEngine


MENU containing GROUP with false visibility is not working correctly on 1.6.0 build


Gauge Chart is rendered, but no longer has indication of a value in 1.6.0 build 567


FF Host Test TC_GR_013: (Regression) INIT, REFRESH, and EXIT ACTIONS on GRAPH no longer run


PROFINET: Online tests cannot be executed due to timeout with RRTE


Using LOCAL INT in a Method to select a String from an ENUM no longer works in HART


512 VAR13000: Integer Variable tab causes the RRTE to crash


HART 511 MLT10070-002: (Regression) Menu Items of column 6 incorrectly positioned on canvas


HART 511 GPH19050: (Regression) Graph actions not executing


FDI HART VIS10040-002: (Regression) Group box "Collection" disappears but does not have its space reserved


Dots are shown in graph rendering in FF Host test

General Updates

CR/Bug NumberSummary


Import/Export Dictionary Documentation  


Version info of FDI Package IDE


Installer should provide a link to Eclipse


Fdi.dll 1.2 versioning incorrect


Newly added status codes (added in FDI 1.2) to be implemented in fdi.dll


Newly added status codes (added in FDI 1.2) to be implemented in fdi.ts


Tok and Pretok executables should be signed


DD developers of HART Packages / DDs should easily find document AG10101


Installer is updated that .NetFramework 4.8 is required


RRTE crashes when Simocode package shall be opened


Provide FDI.dll .net component for 4.6.2


FDI IDE about box shall show supported FDI technology version

Known Issues

Known issues at the time of release are included below. If additional notable issues are found with this version of the product, they will be added to this log for reference with the date they were reported.

CR/Bug NumberComponentSummaryReported Date
4281DMSExcessive reads from a device will cause poor performance in hosts - all protocols. Goal is to improve performance of DMS for highly parameterized devices.09/22/23

Release - Nov 2022  

This release reflects the following Specifications:

FCG TS62769 Revision 1.3

The following CRs were resolved in this release:

Device Model Service (DMS)

CR/Bug NumberSummary
 3755DMS throws exception if EDD variable definition contains dependency in CLASS attribute
 3824Upload fails. Change handling of required parameter to support more than one.
 3858Transfer parameters from device to offline data set failing with Reserved Error code
 3863Read API is not proper for conditional based parameters
 3889Warning message when changing dependent variable on FDI IDE version 1.5.1. Ignore parameter only with status change related to dominant and dependent value change during commit. No message shown to user.

IDE Plug-in

CR/Bug NumberSummary
 3612Unique Particle Attribution violation by including attachment metadata has been fixed.
 3848FDI IDE doesn't allow more than 8 characters in manufacturer Id field, this has been fixed.
 3873Relationship Type for Feature Table correction


Reference Runtime Environment  

CR/Bug NumberSummary
 3765RRTE Crashing while accessing online window. Problem may still exist in Microsoft Windows 10 pro    10.0.19044 Build 19044
 3853mV Units cut off by window size in optimized layout.


Known Issues

Known issues at the time of release are included below. If additional notable issues are found with this version of the product, they will be added to this log for reference with the date they were reported.

CR/Bug NumberComponentSummaryReported Date
3757UI EngineFDIOPT10260 & FDIOPT10270: Resizing (Shrinking & Expanding) must change the Width Gain of Menu Items02/18/2022
3825DMS"INIT_ACTION” method executes no. of times for echo curve window04/12/2022
3822RRTEFSK HART Modem using RS-232 no longer works with newer versions of Windows. Use USB Modem instead as a workaround.04/08/2022

Release 1.5.1 - June 2022  

This release reflects the following Specifications:

FCG TS62769 Revision 1.3

New features or components in this release:

FDI Device Package IDE 1.5.1 contains critical updates to the HART Standard DD Library which is imported by developers into their *.fm8 EDD projects. The update provides embedded strings in lieu of dictionary references. This change is important to the forward and backward compatibility with hosts and addresses the appearance of blank strings when newer content added to the Standard DD Library was implemented in the *.fm8 EDDs.


Important updates in this release include: 

  • HART Sample Package was updated to use latest HART Standard DDs (v2022.1)
  • Package Signatures must be sha256 encryption
  • HART Tokenizer extended to support INIT/EXIT ACTIONs in MENUs
  • DeviceInfo bugs resolved
  • Built-in execution bugs resolved in Device Model Services and EDD Engine


The following CRs were resolved in this release:

DeviceInfo Browser

CR/Bug NumberSummary
N/ARemoved symbol number from UI

DeviceInfo Generator

CR/Bug NumberSummary
3560DeviceInfo Generator missing key features


CR/Bug NumberSummary
3297Signed PDF Attachments may still fail to pass package validity test case P_2_2_002
3660Removed installed documentation reference, link to online folder instead
3708Updated version numbers

IDE Plug-in

CR/Bug NumberSummary
3480"Manufacturer" & "DeviceModel" accepts 8 characters
3821Unable to load DDL file (eclipse folder needed clean copy-install)


FF Tokenizer

CR/Bug NumberSummary
2998FF Tokenizer is not encoding "Attribute_Name" correctly in "via-attribute" reference
3516Missing image file can cause internal Tokenizer error
3519FF FDI Tokenizer needs to support DISPLAY_FORMAT on string and date/time datatypes
3506WAVEFORM HANDLING attribute should be required by FF6 FDI Tokenizer

FF Standard DD Library

CR/Bug NumberSummary
  • FF Sample Package was rebuilt with latest FDI Tokenizer.
  • Cleaned up problems with menus that had Group Boxes without labels.  Rearranged items on many of the menus for a little better appearance.  
  • Improved download and upload menus.  Added an interactive download menu with UI Method Builtins.  Added methods in the download menus to handle block modes before and after the download.  
  • Renamed all menus to match the Style Guide requirements. 
  • Added more notes in several places to help new developers implementing FDI. 

HART Tokenizer

CR/Bug NumberSummary
3194HART Tokenizer version 10.43 Does not support INIT_ACTIONS or EXIT_ACTIONS
3311Tokenizer 10: Device specific dictionary
3368Version 10.44 does not detect error 408, Redefinition error
3440Tokenizer extended to support INIIT/EXIT action in every MENU
3458It would be nice if the tokenizer could locate where offending non UTF-8 strings are
3524Semantic Map not allowed in symbols.txt
3764Tokenizer v8: remove STRING TOO LONG warning


HART Standard DD Library

 Tables 25.2 
  • Manufacturer and Device type codes implemented according to latest vendor requested changes 
  • Burst Mode enumerations now support simple On/Off labels for devices that only support bursting on 1 channel 
  • Tokenized DD in version 8 file format uses direct strings rather than dictionary references 
Universal 7.5
  • HART Command 11 & 21 now support response code 38 
  • Tokenized DD in version 8 file format uses direct strings rather than dictionary references 
  • universal_revision now has a MIN_VALUE defined (in addition to existing DEFAULT_VALUE) to be compatible with applications that reference MIN_VALUE instead of DEFAULT_VALUE for device integration purposes. 
Universal 6.4 and 5.4
  • Tokenized DD in version 8 file format uses direct strings rather than dictionary references 
  • universal_revision now has a MIN_VALUE defined (in addition to existing DEFAULT_VALUE) to be compatible with applications that reference MIN_VALUE instead of DEFAULT_VALUE for device integration purposes. 
Common Practice 12.2
  • Command 51 now support response code 8
  • Command 73 now supports response code 38 
  • Command 104 has updated verbiage for response code 104 
  • New Commands 534 & 535 are now supported 
  • Tokenized DD in version 8 file format uses direct strings rather than dictionary references 
Common Practice 7.6, 8.4, 9.4 and 11.2
  • Tokenized DD in version 8 file format uses direct strings rather than dictionary references 
Wireless 2.2
  • Fixed missing commas in DD source (previously ignored by tokenizer, but was syntactically correct) 
  • Command 770 no longer supports response code 7 
  • Commands 771 & 772 are updated to append Max Join Retry parameter to end of commands 
  • Commands 773 & 774 are updated to append Current Network ID to end of commands 
  • Commands 776, 777, 781, & 822 now support response code 16 
  • Command 778 no longer supports response code 32 
  • Tokenized DD in version 8 file format uses direct strings rather than dictionary references 
Wireless 1.4
  • Tokenized DD in version 8 file format uses direct strings rather than dictionary references 
PV 1.3, 2.3, and 2.4
  • Tokenized DD in version 8 file format uses direct strings rather than dictionary references 
AG10101 Document version 2
  • Updated to include updated HART standard DD version 
  • Added further descriptions / clarifications of allowed redefinitions that can be applied to the HART standard DDs 
  • Added further solutions to common issues encountered by DD developers 
  • Addressed several CRs that were raised by FCG members 
Sample DDs
  • Samples import the newest standards that have been added to this release 
  • Updated the samples to declare appropriate unit relations for digital units and config units separately 
  • Sample menu structure references the config units in order to allow access for user to change the engineering units code
  • Samples are coded for Tok 8 and Tok 10. Tok 6 support is not included in the new samples. 


PA-DIM Server 

CR/Bug NumberSummary
3471 PA-DIM Server not working with FDI 1.3 Package 
3816Elements of PA-DIM  not visible in OPC UA Client UAexpert 

Profibus/Profinet Tokenizer

CR/Bug NumberSummary
 No changes


Reference Runtime Environment  

CR/Bug NumberSummary
2764Menu Style Dialog not modal
3388Optimized Layout is not working
3405 Communication Package configuration parameter access
3421Cannot connect to OPC UA device
3498ISA100 Comm Server cannot be connected with error message MethodSet for CommunicationServer not found
3530Connecting to HART-IP device fails
3547RRTE has general C# bug attempting to deploy some registered HART FM8 EDDs
3575Cannot create UIP of style DIALOG
3629IMS load and resulting errors should no longer be part of RRTE launch


Signing Tool

CR/Bug NumberSummary
3443sha1 no longer be supported; sha256 encryption must be used.
secure timeserver not optional

Known Issues

Known issues at the time of release are included below. If additional notable issues are found with this version of the product, they will be added to this log for reference with the date they were reported.

CR/Bug NumberComponentSummaryReported Date
3612IDE PluginUnique Particle Attribution violation by including attachment metadata10/13/2021
3755DMSDMS throws exception if EDD variable definition contains dependency in CLASS attribute02/18/2022
3757UI EngineFDIOPT10260 & FDIOPT10270: Resizing (Shrinking & Expanding) must change the Width Gain of Menu Items02/18/2022
3765UI EngineRRTE Crashing while accessing online window02/28/2022
3824DMSUpload fails04/11/2022
3825DMSINIT_ACTION” method executes no. of times for echo curve window04/12/2022
3842DMSMethods are not working in PN device05/20/2022
3848IDE PluginFDI IDE doesn't allow more than 8 characters in manufacturer Id field for PROFINET05/24/2022
3849PBPN TokenizerGPE Tokenizer gives error for Manufacturer" & "DeviceModel" if string values are used05/24/2022
3853UI EngineFDI OPT10260-001: mV Units cut off by window size05/24/2022
3863DMSRead API is not proper for conditional based parameters06/08/2022
3822RRTEFSK HART Modem using RS-232 no longer works with newer versions of Windows. Use USB Modem instead as a workaround.04/08/2022
3889DMS/RRTEWarning message when changing variable on FDI IDE version 1.5.107/13/2022

Release 1.5.0 - June 2021

Versions of Tokenizers in this release:
  • HART 6.3.5
  • HART 8.2.20
  • HART 10.44
  • FF 5.2.2
  • FF
The following issues were resolved in this release:
HART Tokenizer
Tok8 - fixes to command line processing for -k option.
Updated Dictionary standard.dc8 (24.00.5) 
FF FDI Tokenizer
3315root menus cannot contain a VALIDITY attribute
3053implement updated Semantic_Reference_Table_Struct
Profibus Tokenizer
3244Need to support PROTOCOL of "OPC UA"
3054implement updated Semantic_Reference_Table_Struct
3266Support of 4byte response code is not working
UI Engine
Integrated label alignment for Optimized Layout
Added default layout type to constructor for backward compatibility
Integrated “FDI UI Engine Optimization” code to “UI Engine” Revision
3216Not able to read or write parameter from Web Browser for the HTML5 UIP
3198FDI HTML5 UIP interface (Typescript) type "WriteResult" isn't compatible with RRTE server value
3201FDI HTML5 UIP interface (TypeScript) method "Fdi.UIPServices.activate()" always has context=Offline
3109Space for label not sufficient
2833Gauge is not displaying range properly
2911UIP button labels are not left aligned
Integrated “FDI UI Engine Optimization” code
3344HTML5 UIP Support appears to be broken
EDD Engine
3266Support of 4byte response code is not working
3242String constants in methods and language codes
3167Issues with string concatenation in methods
2914Import of new standard dictionary crashes.
2891Need to make sure that the attr_avail set is correct
3055EDD Engine to implement updated Semantic_Reference_Table_Struct
Device Model Services
Add support for OPC UA Comm Server
32644 bytes Error Codes are not supported for Generic Protocols
3276Download fails when a value of a ReadOnly-Variable differs between offline and device
3218Correct handling of vector references in GRID
3266Test system changes
3178Test system changes
1950Fix label and help generation for complex variable references
2995Fix updated value in GET_DEV_VAR_VALUE when REFRESH action changed the parameter
2802First fixes to show item label in error messages
3282PA-DIM: VALIDITY should be generated for reference types
Reference Run-Time Environment
Added the PMS Client Wrapper for PADIM Server.
Update new ReadRSD API to get the Semantic RSD information.
Brought in FF Comm Server support
3224Comm Server Name should be indicated in Comm Tab
3176Device Type Model and Code should be indicated in the repository list
3165RRTE should check for allowed attachment files and give a warning if violated.
3162Support request to add additional languages to RRTE
3125Communication Failure Message in Package Repository App May Be Misleading
3252Incorrect package version check
1869EDD FILE Constructs in FDI Package IDE
3109Space for label not sufficient
3347comm server configuration parameters are not displayed
ComponentVersionInfo shall load from the Program Data Location
Signing Tool
3256Detect poor PC clock synchronization during signing
3023Missing intermediate certificates
3416PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. is missing as valid signer
3336Unsynchronized clocks should be a warning on package load
2907Added individual proxy command line options
2986Security error message, when loading a device package
Device Package Conformance Test Tool
3047additional filename checks
3297update version numbers to 1.5.0
3155bring in fdiPackageVerifier with Root Store solution
3239update mechanism for detecting PA-DIM Namespace_Collection
2587standard entry points
3346Test cases need to be re-signed
3372Package filename version field length change
Eclipse IDE Plugin
3273Add new attachment types (metadata)
2971Debug Ant Script should not build the FDI Package with the same name as the regular ant script
2928Unitconversion in offline (Feature Table added)
PA-DIM Server
Updated new Implicit & Explicit rules for EDD to OPC UA nodes.
Fixed the issue with Unit Mapping.
Updated new Nodeset.xml v1.0.1
Implemented Device Health Alarms
Implemented and Validated the Device Health Alarm issues.
Fixed the Implicit Rules issues.
Fixed the method execution issues.
HART-IP Comm Server
Updated package project file to FDI version 1.2
Updated to use Unified Automation SDK 3.0.8
HTML5 Sample Package
Update to 1.0.6 delivery (host.ts implementation change)
HART Sample Package
3364Integration of HART Standard DDs into FDI-IDE installer needs a few updates
All Sample Packages
Update FDI Technology Version to 1.3 in sample projects

Release 1.4.2 - November 2020

Versions of Tokenizers in this release:
  • HART 6.3.5
  • HART 8.2.19
  • HART 10.44
  • FF 5.2.2
  • FF
The following issues were resolved in this release:
HART Tokenizer
3210crash on bad Items in Reference Array
3217inconsistent PNG image encoding
3250(v8 Tokenizer) FATAL ERROR 202: Attributes for item device_variable_code too large.
Reference Run Time Environment
2007RRTE shall have option to disable / enable Direct Access service
2893TEMPLATE View: Display OCTET strings
2762Revision is unclear and not sufficient
2204FDI Host/Client should show details of certificate
2796Simulation Mode Should Have an LED Indicator on Front Panel of RRTE When Enabled
2790Error "Import Package"
2883AuditTrail is not implemented in RRTE
2769Empty DropDown in menu bar
2984Communication Logger displays incorrect Byte Count for each HART Command
1883Reference Run-Time Error Message Box Focus Problem
2751Com Logger saves always with same file name until restart
2964It should be possible to resize the main Template Window in RRTE
2771RRTE hangs opening online menu of profibus FDI package
2871Device "Name" field in Device Information Hidden by EDD Language Field
2847RRTE is not considering values from CFF file.
3080RRTE can sometimes import the wrong CFF file
3129RRTE displays wrong message after finishing a download to a device
2433Can’t connect to the corresponding OPC UA Comm server
Profibus/Profinet Tokenizer
3054PROFIBUS Tokenizer to implement updated Semantic_Reference_Table_Struct
EDD Engine
3083Added support conditional evaluation of COMMAND for PROFIBUS
3114Added support for "name" field in Device Directory Image Table
3197Added support for SEMANTIC_MAP_ITEMS in a FF block
Device Model Services
3082Implementation of Conditionals - make available in RRTE, DPCTT
2847RRTE is not considering values from CFF file.
3146PA-DIM: Namespace access is resolved for PA_DIM server
3147PA-DIM: PA-DIM server can identify reference type (EDD Method, EDD Variable)
3049RRTE is not considering values from CFF file -(DMS).
3084Support conditional evaluation of COMMAND for PROFIBUS
3022Some managed objects are leaking in DeviceModelServices
3016DMS doesn't return proper response code for WriteCommand Profibus builtin
3015Method window is not closed even after the method is completed
2957DeviceHealthDiagnostics -if there is an empty element in array later elements are not checked
2812Error message in case of commit is not helpful for user
1795FF ST REV not implemented
2919RRTE is not updating value for static parameters.
UI Engine
2495UI shall be set to read only, when access/role in FDI Host permitted write access
2910No label is shown in LINK method window if Image has blank label (Additional Fix)
Signing Tool
2996Verifier does not handle URI encoded partnames
3099Signature using sha256 algorithm
3097Selection for digest algorithm was added to the signature tool
2708Added options for allowing signing and timestamping to be a two-step process
3161Signature Validation no longer fails on non-English Windows machines

No changes this release
Eclipse Plugin
3027New: Relation Technology Version to IDE Version
3139CommunicationProfileSupport File is not getting added for EtherNet/IP Device Package
featureSupport of extension dib as bmp
feature'Outline' view and 'Completion' function in Eclipse IDE > 4.6
fixProblem with "Add include folder..." solved in Eclipse IDE > 4.6

Release 1.4.1 - April 2020

Versions of Tokenizers in this release:
  • HART 6.3.5
  • HART 8.2.19
  • HART 10.43
  • FF 5.2.2
  • FF

The following issues were resolved in this release:

HART Tokenizer
#2837Image languages are limited to 10
#2876Support for more than 10 Language strings is needed
#2917Tok 10 does not support min/max value in time_value
#2918Support for more than 10 languages is needed also for version 8 tokenizer.
#2921Tok 10 reports error 662 on index to value array being redefined
#3007WARNING 614: Menu maintenance_root_menu is always invalid
#3056HART Tokenizer Won't Support Image Files in a sub-menu of source files
#3061LABEL (in HART EDD) must not reference an EDDL item
Reference Run Time Environment
#3035Connection to Profibus device is not possible (DP_INITIATE timeout to short)
#3045Import of package fails with 1 is not a supported code page
Profibus/Profinet Tokenizer
#3050Cannot Build Package - Only Tokenizes Binary 25% of the time
EDD Engine
#3063Security patch applied
Device Model Services
#2885Access Violation may happen during shutdown of DMS instance
#2890Opening online view for FCxxxx crashes with stack overflow
#3019RRTE hangs when the specific menu is opened.
UI Engine
#3011Modified values are not sending to the device instead it takes previous value
Signing Tool
#2664fdiVerifier.dll is not able to verify package at Windows 10 system (CW specific)
n/aNo changes to this component for this release.

Release 1.4.0  - September 2019

Important Changes: 
  • UIPs can now be written in HTML5
  • The Eclipse IDE can now debug methods
  • New HART DeviceInfo generator and browser
  • All documentation now online
Reference Run-Time Environment:
  • New Communication Logger available for all bus protocols
  • Device Simulator available for HART and FF
 Reference RunTime Environment

Power cycle of Profinet device causes failure.

RRTE doesn't provide correct (absolute) path for "Documentation" and "ProtocolSupport" files in "PackageInformation"

At the end of up/download a precise message about errors should be shown

 DI RRTE hangs if you switch to another application or window from the currently open modal dialog on the RRTE

Signature check verify once the configuration file is proper or not

Repository Tool Does Not Find FDI Packages when attempting to Download EDD/Packages for Live Devices

Block parameters in templates should be referenced by block and block number instead of just by name

New DD Tree View feature in RRTE Does Not Provide Table Information of Entire FBAP

New DD Tree View feature in RRTE Does Not Provide Table Information of Entire FBAP

RRTE is Not able to connect to XMTR and HART Device

- New DD Tree View feature in RRTE is insufficient for viewing details of block items

Repository Tool Does Not Find FDI Packages when attempting to Download EDD/Packages for Live Devices

"About" field in RRTE 1.4.0 build 126 still shows copyright 2018

The Host is expected to display an abort message but no such message is displayed

RRTE is hanging when it is closed if user chose not to start Communication Logger

 New DD Tree View feature in RRTE Does Not Provide Table Information of Entire FBAP

New DD Tree View feature in RRTE is insufficient for viewing details of block items

Fdi.Reference.Server.exe crashes when disconnecting EDDL method debugger

Revision is unclear and not sufficient

Manufacturer ID numbers instead of names in Repository List

 RRTE crashes when Synchronize button in Package Repository tab is clicked

Repository Tool Does Not Find FDI Packages when attempting to Download EDD/Packages for Live Devices

Default color should not be red for Status of Package/EDD upgrade existence

Communication Logger does not support changing sizes of columns

Opening a multi device-variant package requires user intervention

Burst message support in HART Driver

IMS no longer loads at startup of RRTE in build

RRTE-shows Failed to initialize upon reopen

 Information Model Server task left running after crash keeps a new RRTE from being started

 Legacy FF/DD5: RRTE does not see and cannot support device templates in a DD5

 FDI package with HTML5 UIP for Platform WorkstationAndMobile cannot be imported in RTTE
HTML5 UIP for Platform Mobile cannot be loaded
Device Model Services
Communication issues when executing DPCTT test P_3_2_094/095
Method Builtin read_value2() does not work during transfer to device
Error message needs to be improved
RRTE stops communication after sending command 238 – improved DMS internal communication queue handling for nested dependencies
Fixed DMS crash when getting debug ITEM_INFORMATION from EDD Engine fails
GET_DEV_VAR_VALUE builtin crashes method in offline
Communication of BITSTRING for PROFIBUS/NET failed
Download is not possible when variable is changed offline and REFRESH_RELATION was triggered
Read value is not used when evaluating a condition (download only/pre_write_action)
Method Builtin read_value2() does not work during transfer to device
RRTE stops communication after sending command 238
Built-in send_value does not support record member communication
An empty download list causes the RRTE to crash
RRTE hangs forever when write operation is performed in UIP for Profibus Protocol
Edit Status icon for the parameter in the method is always displayed even after written to the device
BitMask for commands support size of 8 Byte
DMS doesn't provide the different language translation string for the FF DD-IDE xml
FF MIN_VALUE_1 and MIN_VALUE_2 Conditional Acceptance Tests Reporting False Failure
At the end of up/download a precise message about errors should be shown (DMS)
Block parameters in templates should be referenced by block and block number instead of just by name
Unsuccessful download indicated as successful
Added workaround to EDDW method debugging to fix/revert duplicated string escaping ("\[afnrtv\"|?]") done by tokenizers and EDD Engine functions [FDI/HART/FF] "ddi_get_string_translation()"
Improved EDD method debugging to don't hang on missing EDD "item_information" attribute and to display correct name and label of currently executing EDD method for all action nodes.
REFRESH relations not being used
Upload from device hangs; improved command selection
HART Host Test HQAOVR12010 – Float Variable, WRITE should display the variable… in OFFLINE mode
FF DD5 Sources w/o labels not derived from variable
Undefined enumeration value causes dependent values to go Bad; improved error handling in relation processing
Blue question marks in Refresh Relations fixed relation StatusCode handling in param / edit cache
Access violation crash when specific package is loaded; added support for "EUC" string EDD variable data type
Communication built-in methods read_/send_value do not support record member communication
Added pugixml license text to Device Model Services source code and release
EDD Engine
Decoding of ENUMERATION is incorrect
Decoding of ENUMERATION is incorrect
EDD Engine fails to SetDynamicAttribute (i.e. VIEW_MIN/MAX) for different data types
Legacy FF/DD5: RRTE does not see and cannot support device templates in a DD5
Grids in FF5 EDDs are displayed with the grid vector label as part of the scrolling list of values
FF Host Test Kit LIST Tests Now Failing with DD5
Method execution fails to assign DD_STRING array elements
EDD Engine build 7.0.0 provides incorrect values to IBuiltinSupport::SetDynamicAttribute(…)
FF Legacy - HTK DD5 - TC_COND_0017 fails RRTE but HTK FDI/DD6 passes
Bit Masks with 8 Byte length should be supported
EDD Engine gives error if "send_value" or "read_value" is called with "member_id == 0" for a RECORD or ARRAY
UI Engine
Enumeration values are shown in hex if no STYLE is set
HTML5 UIP hosting:- UIP services and hosting service are implemented completely
Updated Fdi NuGet packages to version 1.2.0 (FileVersion
Size of the UIP web control can be configured via config file see 6.5 Configuration of UIP web control size.
Updated fdi.ts to version 0.11
Crash in Reference Runtime with empty bit-enum parameters
FDI IDE Plugin
Added support for DeviceInfo files
HART Tokenizer
HART tokenizer is not encoding Attribute_name as per EFF
Tokenizer User Guide is removed from zip
Ddt8.exe revs to 8.2.18
Collection in Expression Crash
Memory Limit Reached
Symbols.txt anomaly
Upload_from_device_root_menu should not include CLASS DYNAMIC variables
METHOD Debugger Builtin not encoded by HART Tokenizer
Profibus Tokenizer
PB Tokenizer gives tool_release value "0" in header
Preprocessor: Expression in paranthesis not evaluated correctly
Support for debugging command-line option
Two-dimensional arrays not working in PROFIBUS Tokenizer
FF Tokenizer
Issues with BITSTRING encoding
FF tokenizer puts incorrect line no for METHOD DEFINITION attribute in ITEM_INFORMATION
Some root menus are not recognized as such
Menu item conditionals cannot contain cross-block references
Information Model Server
Open ports issue
Device Package Conformance Test Tool
P_3_2_097 fails if FDI version is 1.0.2
CTT needs latest EDD Engine
HART tests for "GetHealthStatus" method need to be fixed
DPCTT test P_3_2_077 is failing for FF Device package
DCTT test case P_3_2_049 fails if unit variable has conditional HANDLING
EDIT_FORMAT and DISPLAY_FORMAT test cases incorrect
 Test case p_2_11_025 fails in CTT from FDI 1.4.0
DPCTT cannot communicate with Profibus device
DirectAccess for Profibus not working
P_3_2_087 does not properly consider Profinet
Variable Name is not displayed for Test 'P_3_2_067' in DPCTT
Upgraded bindings to support loading UIPs linked against older Fdi.dlls
P_3_2_055 throws an exception
Signing Tool
Package Signature(s) Valid with warnings. Additional Info: Could not determine XAdES-T certified time.
FDI Signing Tool does not work with Win10 VM

Release 1.3.0  - November 2018

Important Changes: 
  • Extending Duration of Package Signature period. 
  • Root Certificates are required for Package validation.
  • HART Tokenizer 10.28 released including verification.
  • Device Package Conformance Test Tool improved and updated for latest testcases.
Reference Run-Time Environment:
  • Updated for EDDL update FCG TS61804-3 version FCG TS61804-4 FCG TS61804-5 version 
  • Support device variants for PROFIBUS/PROFINET
  • Information Model Server (OPC-UA) introduced. 
  • Additional bug fixes related to Device Package EDD support.
 Installation updates:
  • Consolidated delivery of installers
 Reference RunTime Environment

Information Module Server added
2195ISA100 Comm. Server Connect/Disconnect delay response issue
2265Allows import of CF file with bad block numbering
2371Add root menu entry element in RRTE for "/Block_parameter_root_menu" in FF
2308Legacy Menus Should Include Block Parameter Lists by Default
2489RRTE loads the old version of UIP instead of new version
2293Need to add signature validation to the RRTE
2569FDI-H-3.3-118_PA – result parameters are not changed
2556TC_MN_018 dropdown menu rendering issues
2555TC_MN_008 menu representation is not as expected
2554The message shown corresponding to Response Code is not user-friendly in Profibus transaction
2235ISA100 Comm Server "BadTooManySessions" error caused by RRTE
 Integrated FdiPackageVerifier v2.0.0.8 libraries
 Added new configuration file “FdiSignatureVerifier.config”

Device Model Services
 Managed .NET interface version
 New EDD Engine logging interface
2271changes modified to only apply for FF and ISA100
2124changes modified to only apply for FF and ISA100
2418MENU structure evaluated when conditioned variable contains REFRESH_ACTION. Implemented asynchronous execution of REFRESH_ACTIONS for LOCAL variables in separate EditContext to don’t interfere with regular communication transactions.
Added support for Communication Builtins for REFRESH_ACTIONS (as specified in IEC 61804-5, 4.3 Builtin Categories, Table 3 – Usage of Builtins).
2419Access of read values of a CMD in POST_READ_ACTION. Modified handling of variables which are accessed in context of EDD method execution (i.e. POST_READ_ACTIONS) to don't try to read it from device which doesn't work because there's already a communication transaction active (occured with Simocode pro PN device).
2268Access to different parameter in RE/POST_READ/WRITE_ACTION
2270Improved EDDL method abort processing for user interaction builtins for FDI.
 Fixed issue with incorrect ISA100 “AppID” value in communication transaction objects
 BLOCK support for information model representation according to OPC UA implemented (FF, ISA100)
 PROFIBUS / PROFINET identification extended (Ident_Number, DeviceID, VendorID)
2137Error message is improved
2436Value array in GRID
2360Type check and automatic conversion implemented for built in “assign” and “assign2”
 Added support for Device Variants by implementing basic support for EDD COMPONENT and COMPONENT_FOLDER and provide information in node path “/ComponentSet/...”. See DeviceModelServices Specification / Product Description section 5.9 and 7.11 for details
2436UID xml for value array references in GRID
2457ISA100 Device Package Loading EDD Engine Error Code -1705 (CHARACTERISTIC record = 0)
2228HQAENV18050 and HQAENV18060: Modified value is not displayed
2180handle “REFRESH_ACTIONS” as per new spec and HART SPEC500 (refresh action shall not be executed during condition evaluation for HART)
2190reading of BlockParameterRootMenu attribute Label
2043changed mapping of EDDL type "OCTET" from "StringValue" to "BinaryValue" (to support displaying ASCII for FF block tag and hexadecimal for other protocols)
 Added default DisplayFormat in DMS for OCTET string variables – “s” for FF, “X” for ISA100 and “#x” for other protocols PB/PN/GPE/CS (to support OCTET string FDI issue #2043)
2573FDI_H_4_18_002_PA – Variable seems to be incorrectly read
2194ISA100 Offline upload parameters total count displayed is different from the actual count uploaded
2256VISIBILITY tests for Record, Array, List, and Collection
2543Transfer Offline Data Set to Device with FF HTK FDI Package crashes Fdi.Reference.Server
2413DeviceHealthDiagnostics shall be implemented according FCG TS62769-5/7.3.2
2600HQAGRD11000 instead of "ON" readonly grid shows 0x8585
2612RRTE crash when using Simocode_pro_PN 1.0.3 PROFINET device package
 Fixed OPA UA device “Identification” attribute for HART devices “DEVICE_REVISION” to be mapped to “transmitter_revision”

Improved Device Model Services source code to support compilation with other compilers than Microsoft Visual Studio

EDD Engine


EDD engine writes Logfile to root directory of drive C:


Stack Overflow when executing a method with large expression


VALIDITY Test for Collection Now Failing


Legacy FF - TC_MN_013 - Menu stacked 8 levels deep fails in DD5 but passes in DD6/FDI


FF Legacy - Menu without style type is not displayed as a group


timet_to_string, GetCurrentDateAndTime


Specifying the wrong DD causes process to exit


EDD Engine Method interpreter crashes during evaluation of loop condition


Delay in loading and opening root menu of HART 7 device package


Indexing Operator for DD_STRING crashes


Method Interpreter must not abort when accessing device parameters with VALIDITY == false


Truncation of large text writes?


HART 512 - HQLST14000-035 Wrong information in method display


Expression EnumeratedVar(EnumeratedVar) is not decoded


VALIDITY Test for Collection Now Failing


EDD Engine is not correctly evaluating COMPONENT attribute product_uri


EDD Engine fails to resolve references to COMPONENT and COMPONENT_FOLDER


EDD Engine fails to correctly evaluate COMPONENT and COMPONENT_FOLDER attributes CLASSIFICATION and PROTOCOL


UIB10220-007 fails as XMTR-MV does not receive any HART command 133


HQAUIB10230 Test fail as after execution of a method, the FDI server stops working


Test CMB11010-004 fails as an unexpected value of the menu item is displayed.


Tests HQACMB20010 and HQACMB21020 fail as they go in an infinite loop during method execution.


HART 512 Device Managed LIST tests are all failing again


timet_to_string, GetCurrentDateAndTime


GRID with LABEL selector




String VARIABLEs crash when longer than around 900 characters

UI Engine


Scrollbars not showing up for long ASCII Variables


HBar/VBar should show negative values as per HQACHT47060


UIEngine raised null reference exception when fastly opening and closing.


UIB20300 and UIB21300 fail - an additional abort message-box is displayed


UiEngine crash on UIP execution when data path inaccessible for current user


UIP window shall show full control


HQAVAR16000 - Scaled Float value that is out of range is modified in the display when edit mode is exited


Win Form UIP's 'BeginClose()' API not invoke after clicked on close button of UIP window


HQAVAR16000 - HQAMST10020- Test case expects the menus to be available as popup menus, but menu appears as a link which opens a window


HQAMST- "Menu level 3 table", "Menu level 4 table", "Menu level 5 table", "Menu level 6 table"


DMS mapping EDDL type "OCTET" to FDI "StringValue" instead of "BinaryValue"


Page content not updated when validity changes


In TABLE style menu, values for the VARIABLEs in GRIDs are blank and not updated


FDI Client shows extra standard action item (OK button) on bottom of RUIP


TC_DL_005 Time Difference Value cutting off decimal values

FDI IDE Plugin
2393Modifying the property of fdi-project after import was not possible
2131Command line optional arguments may need to be enhanced
2134Verbiage used in the FDI-IDE is awkward for legacy DD creation
2411Semantic Parameter Mapping should be supported in the Eclipse Plugin.
2506Importing a *.CSV file into a dictionary entry could not succeed.


FDI IDE Prerequisites Setup is now capable to be installed even if VC++2017 Redistributables are already installed

FDI IDE Prerequisites are now mandatory to be installed before FDI Package IDE Setup

Setup does no longer create 2 folders “FDI\IDE\Documentation\PNO” and “FDI\IDE\Documentation\FCG” but only one folder “FDI\IDE\Documentation”. “User Guide” and “Quickstart Guide” PDF placed there are equipped with updated Layout (FDT/FCG/OPC/PNO)

Sandbox settings: Setup now skips the validation of the UIP user account settings if the user skips these settings.

Quickstart Guide PDF file updated to r1.4.1 (“FDI Package IDE Quick Start Guide_r1.4.1_final.pdf”)

User manual PDF file updated to r2.1.3 (“FDI Package IDE User Guide r2.1.3_final.pdf”)

HART Tokenizer
2396This release fixes Bugzilla 2395 where the tokenizer crashed when all of the ENUMERATIONs were deleted in the REDEFINITION portion of an IMPORT
2396This release also fixes Bugzilla 2399 where the tokenizer crashed due to a '$' character used in a string.
2412NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS attribute reference failed.Attribute reference is now encoded
2400Escaped character sequence not accepted.The “\\” escape sequence is now properly handled. Two HART library DDs (of 1500) changed to properly record strings containing “\\”.
5839_TRACE, _ERROR, and _WARNING built-ins generate Errors. This has been fixed to properly handle these debugging built-ins.
DYNAMIC dominant variable has no warning.A warning has been added for variables that are dominant in a UNIT or REFRESH relation and are CLASS DYNAMIC.

Tokenizer 8: Enable BLOB,PLUGIN and TEMPLATE to be read in from the symbols.txt file

Tokenizer 8: Eliminate the second PTOC table from the encoded file, if it is empty
2419Attribute reference is now properly encoded
2523HART Tokenizer crash on GRID.VECTORS with a vector that has only one element
2493HART Tokenizer doesn't support "NO_LABEL" menu item qualifier for image references

ProfiBus Tokenizer
2220Expression EnumeratedVar(EnumeratedVar)

Preliminary support for SEMANTIC_MAP
2429improved - Added additional trace messages
2427fixed - VARIABLE_STATUS Selector Type verification
2429fixed - Improved syntax checking for dictionary parser
2443fixed - Profibus tokenizer is not encoding expression EnumeratedVar(EnumeratedVar) correctly.
2459METHOD Debugger Builtin not encoded by PB, PN, GPE Tokenizer
1147partially fixed - Checking that METHODs with parameters cannot be called without arguments
2508PB tokenizer allows LABEL attribute for COMPONENT_REFERENCE which is not legal attribute for this construct
2581Bit Masks (item_mask) with 8 Byte length should be supported
2531PROFIBUS Tokenizer should support -D command line option to define macros
2443Profibus tokenizer is not encoding expression EnumeratedVar(EnumeratedVar) correctly
2508PB tokenizer allows LABEL attribute for COMPONENT_REFERENCE which is not legal attribute for this construct
2443Profibus tokenizer is not encoding expression EnumeratedVar(EnumeratedVar) correctly
2443EnumeratedVar(EnumeratedVar) encodes now all expressions
1147partially fixed - Checking that METHODs with parameters cannot be called without arguments
2459METHOD Debugger Builtin not encoded by PB, PN, GPE Tokenizer
2428PB Tokenizer license check fails if IDE not in Admin

FF Tokenizer
2297Remove CHARACTERISTIC for ISA100, add EDD_PROFILE construct

Information Model Server

fixed Device identification properties to have correct data type in all cases

improved and extended automatic Information Model Server tests (ISA100 identification information and BlockType properties)

fixed conversion of ArrayValues with no elements to have correct data type

fixed reading and subscribing of BlockType properties by using correct VariableDataType information from host (provided by Device Model Services in BrowseResult objects)

fixed duplicate DeviceType child nodes (added by host and IMS with same BrowseName)

New interface version

Human readable external name of instance is part of “BeginConnectDevice” call

BlockType support implemented

Local Discovery Service registration implemented

PORT address changed: 4845

Correct requested name “GetHealthStatus” to correct EDD name

HART Sample Package

DD modified to pass advanced HART Tokenizer validation (Missing referenced entries in Collections)

Updated project file with standard library path settings as new tokenizer expects this

PROFIBUS Sample Package

Updated Supported FDI Version

Updated project file with standard library path settings as new tokenizer expects this

FF Sample Package

Updated project file with standard library path settings as new tokenizer expects this

FF DD Library
2437fixed wrong Version information

Updated Library to include newer information(Standard Connection Points).

Added batch files to support Tokenizer 6.

Added SCP standard block and parameters

Added ISA100 standard block and parameters

Device Package Conformance Test Tool
2255P_4_2_004 and P_4_2_005 (Strong Name tests) failing but should pass
2259FDI CTT has false failure for hand-held menus in test case P_3_2_077
2260FDI CTT has false failure for a window linked from an image
2261P_3_2_071 - A Method not defined - not enough information in FDI CTT log
2262FDI CTT falsely fails "validity" items in an FF EDD - P_3_2_033
2351Profibus test campaign, P_3_2_101 throws error for initial value out of range on bit-enumerated

2218"Official FF Test Campaign" Test Case P_3_2_032 Fails if "Upload_Wanted" or "No_Download" Collections are empty
1959Can't see the test case description in the Test Results window
1958Can't filter on failed tests in Test Results
2387circular loop in refresh relations
2352Missing a DPCTT conformance check for GetHealthStatus
769Validation of Package Catalog now to latest schema v1.0.3 from FDI 1.1
1896Added P_3_2_108 to check for forbidden (UI) builtins in GetHealthStatus
2374Removed P_3_2_047 as an invalid test (impossible to fully check)
2387Removed P_3_2_066 as an invalid test (circular REFRESHes are allowed)

Added auto-sign of test cases to build process
2255More work on adding known FDI DLLs to UIPHostModule/Version0_18_1/UIPTestEnvironmentAdapter.cs
2530Modified P_2_084 and 085 to only check the item table for existence, and avoid loading the item (causes errors)
769removed some obsolete testcases from the .TG files
2259added hh_diagnostic_root menu to known menus
2484Changed P_4_2_004 and _005 to accept different (released) versions of Fdi.dll as valid
2546P_2_3_005: Fixed issue related to the newest XML Schema not being part of the installer

Updated version info on Utility.dll to force installation of new version

Updated version info on UIPHostModule.dll to force installation of new version
2637Fixed missing entry point error

Performed manual signing of standard test campaigns
2283Fixed stack overflow crash in EDD Engine

License Manager

Binary file is now digitally signed

LicenseManager does not delete the license file anymore.

Signing Tool

FDI_PACKAGE_SIGNING_TOOL.EXE graphical interface:added support for passing intermediate certs to fdiNotary

fdiNotary.exe commandline tool:added option for SHA256 signature. Default is still SHA1.added option for inclusion of intermediate certificatesintegrated validation via the fdiPackageVerifier DLLmade the "sign" command skip the FDI Registration Certificatemade the "sign" command call the fdiPackageVerifierDll with the option to accept 0 signatures

fdiPackageVerifier.dll:Changed the SHA1 signature validation "error" to a "warning"

Note: There is a bug related to specifying the signing certificate by serial number. To work around this, use the SHA1 thumbprint instead to identify the signing certificate by specifying the "--sha1" option rather than the "--serial" option”
2653fdiPackageVerifier.dll is changed to more robust behavior, when validation of FDI package ends in an error.This allows deployment of packages even in case of an error.
See also section 6.3 How to deploy a package if the import of the package leads to an Error of these document.

Integrated FdiPackageVerifier v2.0.0.8 libraries

Improved Validation of Signatures for device packages. Makes use of new configuration file “FdiSignatureVerifier.config”

Sample UIP

Recompiled with Fdi.dll v1.1.0.4

UIP State machine added for Sample UIP

Updated .net Framework to Version 4.6.1

Release 1.2.1  - October 2017

Important new features in this release include:
  • Tokenizers updated to support prior versions of the encoded formats (ff0, ff5, fm6, fm8)
  • UIPs running within a sandbox
  • Time stamps for the FDI Package signature
  • ISA100, HART-IP/WirelessHART protocols enabled
  • New Generic Protocol Extension to allow the addition of Modbus, Ethernet/IP and future extensions as they become available

Installation updates:
  • Added a Prerequisite installation step to update Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable and .NET

The following issues were resolved in this release:

Device Model Services
Change EDD VALIDITY behavior according to EDDL specification
HQAUIB20260 GET_DEV_VAR_VALUE - refresh action test fails.
IUpDownloadDialog shall provide error ID that host can work with messages
SPECIALIST Attribute is not generated for Actions in UID
Methods during upload must access offline data set
“The access level does not allow reading or subscribing to the node." error while writing COND0070 and COND0073 variable
fm6/fm8 without "response_code" (ITEM_ID 150), "device_status" (ITEM_ID 151), and "comm_status" (ITEM_ID 152) are supported
Add DMS support for new LOCAL_B construct
FF HTK DD5 (grid vector) supported
EDD Menus Include Block Parameter Lists by Default
Variable set computed by upload_from_device_root_menu shall be transferred to offline data set
ISA100 Offline upload parameters total count displayed is different from the actual count uploaded
Newly valid variable values should display edited values if edited
put_string_value2() builtin does not work – improved handling of BuiltinAdapter::SetParamValue() for BITSTRING variables
Extended class BuiltinDialogAbortedError by UiEngineCode to indicate ActionExecutionFailedDueToInnerActionFailure with a dedicated type.
LABEL Selector returns always the default language
Direct Dictionary References resolve to the default language only
Initial value calculation of index variable depending on conditioned item array not working
Gap in DMS - Browse for "ActionSet" not implemented
 Accessing additional LIST elements which were added in online
Displayed parameter values not updated after POST_WRITE_ACTION (Profibus/Profinet conformance test case FDI_H_4_18_019_PA)
Managed .NET interface version
Integrated new EDD Engine 4.0.6
FDI IDE Plugin
ISA100 specific VARIABLE CLASS attributes (i.e. STATIC and CONSTANT) not recognized by FDI Eclipse IDE Plugin
Package Signing Tool must be removed from Eclipse Plugin
Improve console output of Packager
UIP development - runtime environment information shall be configurable via UIP project settings
OSS information must be included in ReadMe/Documentation
Wrong FDI Technology Version is used
Added new keywords for syntax highlighting (LOCAL_A, LOCAL_B, LAYOUT_TYPE, ...)
AppID for HART Modem driver corrected
OSS information is available in folder .\OpenSourceSoftware in Setup Zip
Reference Run-time Environment
Support new version of FDI catalog schema
Support FDI Package of type “Profile”
Continuous Response Code Busy (0x20) Produces infinite loop in METHOD
 CMB18020-003: Host must only send 1 Data Link Layer Delayed Response
Provide Extension to RRTE to fix the Yokogawa HART Modem Driver Issues [2242, 2243]
Merged HART modem configuration items into the Fdi.HARTModemDriver.config file and removed Fdi.HARTModemDriver.config2 file from “Configuration” folder
Added log appender for the HARTModemDriver module in the Logging.config file
FOUNDATION Fieldbus Tokenizer
FF Tokenizer is crashing while creating “.ff6” 
FF Tokenizer is not encoding "Status-Class" correctly for Bit-enumerated variables.
ISA100 Tokenizer error for ISA100 specific VARIABLE CLASS attributes (i.e. STATIC and CONSTANT). Added support for VARIABLE CLASS “CONSTANT”.
Fixed crash related to SEPARATOR item being used in menus
HART Tokenizer
HART tokenizer inserts duplicate index entries in Item to Command Table (Item_Cmd_Table_Struct)
SHARED and PRIVATE attributes added to the FILE item.
Added LIST elements to the relation table handled like ARRAY by replacing the unused RECORD element handling.
Consistently ordered the symbol table by symbol number.
Enable BLOB, PLUGIN and TEMPLATE types to be read-in from Symbols.txt.
Enable the listing of Imported files when –v command line switch is set.
Fixed the very old bug that allowed duplicate entries in the update table.
ProfiBus/ProfiNet Tokenizer
Conditionals in Attribute MEMBERS of Construct GRAPH
Conditionals in Attribute MEMBERS of Construct CHART
Support builtin Menu
ARRAY OF IMAGE supported
UTF8 EDDs are not handled correctly
HART Sample Package
Sample UIP file structure corrected. New version of Sample UIP is 1.1.1, new Version of HART Sample Package is 0.1.96
UI Engine
HQACHT40040: Source label is not shown correctly
Label shall be shown complete when enough space is available
Newly valid variable should be initialized to Uninitialized value
HQAIMG13000 Linked menu label is not shown when menu is opened through link
Edit Format Examples for FLOAT Variables in RRTE are False/Misleading/Confusing
Automatically Generated Chart AXIS is not large enough to show all data
Cancelling Read, Write and Browse service are not support for UIP
When a UIP is opened an empty console window is opened on Windows 7
When a messagebox is opened from UIP, it does not stay on TOP
Assertions in DefaultWindowFactory sometimes if there is a delay in opening UIP
EDD Engine
HQAUIB28XXX - display_response_status fails with selection 9: Multi-Definition
ISA100: MENU not available when MENU_ITEM reference to invalid block instance
HELP Selector does not work in METHOD.DEFINITION
Support for CONSTANT Class attribute in EDDEngine
EDD Engine EndMethod should return correct return code if UI builtin is canceled
FDI Package Conformance Test Tool
Template issues with FF

Release 1.1.6 - May 12, 2016

Known Issues


Issue Description

Reference Run-time Environment


managed DLL are built for .NET FULL Framework instead of .NET Client Profile Framework for unknown reason


#1196 - Reference Run-time Environment does not implement Forward Compatibility or Generic DD functionality


#1406 - Device Configuration must be reset after every reinstallation of software


#1738 - Edit of Local Variable makes "apply" and "revert" buttons visible and active in host


#1869 - As a Package developer, I want to test EDD FILE constructs in FDI Package IDE


#1949 - Support new version of FDI catalog schema

UI Engine


#1466 - Display Message built in does not execute control sequences correctly.


#1729 - HQAGPH17060 Pan beyond scale is not possible


#1873 - Label shall be shown complete when enough space is available

Device Model Services


#957 - 513: HQAENV20000: Bit-enumerated actions aren't supported


#1263 - HQAVAR11010 & HQAVAR11020 After value modification the ""Cond validity"" Menu item appears.


#1666 - APP_OO_UD_0710 and APP_OO_UD_0210 - Result parameters are not changed on use of 'download/upload_to_device_root_menu' instead of 'upload/download_variables' menu


#1689 - HQACMB18020: The DD Host displays an unexpected abort message


#1781 - Templates - Completion of implementation


#1795 - FF ST REV not implemented


#1841 - IUpDownloadDialog shall provide error ID that host can work with messages


#1848 - Crash during Close of application window.


#1909 - ENV15020 : The value of the menu item ""Post Write Action Value"" does not get sent


#1930 - SPECIALIST Attribute is not generated for Actions in UID


#1942 - Newly valid variable should be initialized to Uninitialized value


#1944 - Methods during upload must access offline data set


#1950 - UIB30030-009 - The help strings do not match.

EDD Engine


#41 - Interface method return codes


#621 - EDD Engine error codes are not accessible through EDD Eng...


#1150 - GetBlockDir API missing on EDDEngine interface


#1797 - Improve documentation


#1838 - EDD engine writes Logfile to root directory of drive C:


#1924 - Need to support Expression_List references in Templates

Resolved Issues


Issue Description

Reference Run-time Environment


#692 - CancelBrowse, CancelRead, CancelWrite not working


#1739 - UIP opened from online menu cannot access offline data and vice versa


#1922 - Templates will be supported with simple references


#1901 - Default FF Device Address Should Be 247


#1824 – Loading of UIPs with wrong reference


#1923 - Support of different EDD Languages



#1982 – CancelBrowse, CancelRead, CancelWrite raise exception in error case as defined in specification

UI Engine


#1933 - Cannot edit value with required precision


#1964 - HQACHT45010 limit lines are not shown on HBAR when common axis does not define min/max


#1903 - FDI-H-3.3-063 - inconsistent handling of out-of-range inputs for DATE and DATE_AND_TIME parameters



#1951 - UiEngine(UipManager) should allow maximum two instances of the same UIP type.


#1650 – No Format Scaled Int failure

Device Model Services


#1904 - FDI_H-3_3_063 - incorrect handling of out-of-range value input for TIME_VALUE(8) data type


#1917 - Stack Overflow when executing Read for a large number of Parameters.


#1910 - Default value out of range


#1918 - Application does not show any device values for KROHNE Optiwave


#1919 - Crash after opening a graph on METSO device


#1856 - ParameterInputRequest does not read the value from the device



#1902 - FDI_H_4_18_777 - application crashes after selection of template in the menu


#1891 - BUI10030-029 "?" incorrectly displayed on NaN value



#1936 - NodePath allows no access to 'upload_from_device_root_menu' or 'download_to device_root_menu'


#1900 - FDI_H_3_3_056_PA - NaN value is not correctly displayed



#1915    -    NodePath     allows    access    to              'upload_variables',           but           not  to 'download_variables'


#1872 - TC_MN_018 - label for Block Mode.Target


#1825 - UIP Node path format is wrong for FF protocol


#1912 - Bitmask handling throws exception



#1946 - HQAUIB20320-003 and HQAUIB21320-003 - After method execution the string message does not display a static (non-changing) floating point value



#1953 - Download picks wrong command to write unit variable for KROHNE device



#1760 - HQAVAR13210 and HQAVAR16020: Unacceptable Values Accepted by FDI Host



#1979 – Enumeration entries cached in case of partial bit mask during communication

EDD Engine


#1940 - Method Interpreter stops application after buffer overrun



#1911 - HQAUIB10100-001 - The Host returns an unexpected value in the message



#1954 - Crash in EDD Engine method thread when method without UI built-ins is cancelled


#1865 - UIB30000-007 - After clicking on abort, the method goes in an infinite loop

HART Tokenizer


#1950 - FDI Tokenizer 10.14 - unbounded device lists do not appear to be encoded in the Item to Command Table

PB/PN Tokenizer


#1792 - builtin To_Date_and_Time() is changed, but not reflected in FDI PB/PN Tokenizer

FF Tokenizer


#1952 - FF Tokenizer is not encoding "Status-Class" correctly for Bit-enumerated variables.